Between August 2021 and July 2022, Simex network mapped 394,616 hectares of forestlands submitted to logging in the Brazilian Amazon. This represents a 4.5% increase in the area harvested in the region compared to the previous period, when 377,624 hectares were mapped. By cross-referencing the logged forest mapped and the data from the logging authorizations we identified that 73% (288,139 hectares) were formally harvested with due authorizations. The remaining 27% (106,477 hectares) were carried out unauthorizedly. Most of the illegal harvesting (60.9%) occurred in private rural properties, which public agencies register and are subject to inspection and law enforcement. It is worrisome that ¼ of the harvested area non-authorized occurred in protected areas, 19% (20,725 hectares) in indigenous lands, and 6.1% (6,492 hectares) in conservation units. A situation that threatens these areas and the lives of traditional peoples and communities that are linked to these forests.
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Desenvolvido por Matiz Caboclo