Estudos e Análises

Characteristics of deforestation in the Mato Grosso Amazon in 2019

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In 2019 Mato Grosso registered the highest rate of deforestation in the last 11 years and remains one of the states that deforests the Brazilian Amazon the most. From August 2018 to July 2019, the National Institute of Spatial Research (Inpe) mapped 9,762 km2 of deforested areas across the biome. This represents an increase of 30% compared to the same period in the previous year. Mato Grosso was responsible for 17% of this destruction, which represents 1,685 km2, an area larger than the municipality of São Paulo.


In this report we present the characteristics of deforestation in 2019 in Mato Grosso, detected through Inpe’s Legal Amazon Deforestation Satellite Monitoring Project (Prodes). The study covers the concentration of these areas in the municipalities, their occurrence by land category, polygon sizes, illegality analysis, in addition to an assessment of enforcement by the responsible environmental agencies.

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Desenvolvido por Matiz Caboclo